2013年6月3日 星期一

新聞翻譯 - TIME - Surviving Minecraft: 9 Easy Steps to Get Started

Surviving Minecraft: 9 Easy Steps to Get Started

Click here to read editor-at-large Harry McCracken’s full magazine story on The Mystery of Minecraft — including an in-depth trip to the developer’s headquarters in Sweden — available exclusively for TIME subscribers.
點擊閱讀退休資深編輯Harry McCracken的創世神之謎裡的完整報導,包括到製作團隊的瑞典總部的深度旅遊哦,TIME subscribers開放中。
Much of Minecraft‘s fun comes from exploring, building and discovering things on your own. It’s like a set of LEGOs, except Minecraft only provides the most rudimentary guidelines.
To help out with your first day in Minecraft’s pixelated wilderness, here are some steps to follow. You should be able to get all the essentials done before the sun goes down and the monsters come out.
為了幫助你渡過在創世神這點陣化荒野的第一天,這裡有些小步驟可參考。 在夜晚來臨、怪物現身時,妳要將所有必要步驟完成。
Of course, you don’t have to follow these instructions right away. Spend some time running around, figuring out the controls and dying a few times.
When you’re ready to get serious about crafting and building, here some guidelines to consider:

1.    Chop Up Some Wood, Kill Some Animals

Wood is the ingredient from which everything else in Minecraft stems. You can use it to build tools, doors, ladders and the all-important crafting bench, which lets you build even more elaborate things. It never hurts to have too much, so find at least a few trees and chop ‘em down with your bare hands.
While you’re scavenging, keep an eye out for pigs, chickens and cows. When you kill them, there’s a chance they’ll drop some delicious meat, which you can use to heal yourself and stay nourished. You can also pick up apples from fallen trees.
2.    Establish a Base of Operations

Don’t venture too far. Find a place near your starting point where you can build some shelter. Ideally, you’ll be near a stone wall, around which you can build a little mud hut to keep yourself safe from monsters. (Don’t worry about enemies just yet.)
別跑的太遠! 在出生點附近找個能建造起避難所的地方,理想狀況下,你會在一個有石牆的地方,能夠讓你建造一個小土屋保護你遠離怪物們。(先別急著擔心敵人!)
3.    Craft a Bench, a Box and Some Tools
Break down your wood into wooden planks through the inventory menu (press “E” if playing the PC version). Use those planks to make a crafting table and a storage chest, and place them at your base. Finally, turn some of your planks into wooden sticks, and build yourself a few wooden swords and pickaxes. (You can also build hoesshovels and axes, but these aren’t essential for basic mining)
在道具欄裡將木頭作成木板(如果是PC版本請按E),用木板作成合成台與儲存箱,並放置在基地裡。 最後,將一些木板作成木棒,並做成幾把木劍和木鶴嘴鋤。(你也可以製造木鏟與木斧,但這對挖礦來說不是必要品。)
4.    Explore Some More, Find Cobblestone and Coal

Another essential ingredient in Minecraft is stone, which can be broken down into cobblestone. Look for smooth, grey blocks along walls, and break them down with your pickaxe. Dig deep enough, and you may also find black-specked stone containing coal. Combine the coal with a stick to create torches that can be attached to walls.
5. Close Off Your Shelter
Return to your base, and build yourself a rudimentary hut. The best way is to dig some dirt from the ground, then re-position it in walls and a ceiling around your crafting bench. If you have torches, stick one or two on the wall to light the room. Leave a small (1×2) opening in the shelter, and craft yourself a door out of wood planks for safe and easy access.
6.    Build a Furnace, Grill Some Meat

Back at your base, use some stone to build a furnace. If you gathered any meat, you can cook it in the furnace by combining the raw meat with coal, and waiting for it to heat up. Cooked meat heals you more, and in the case of chicken, eliminates the risk of food poisoning.
7.    Meet the Mob
By now, night should be falling. Venturing outside means confronting nasty creatures, including spiders, skeletons and the dreaded Creepers. There’s no serious penalty for dying in Minecraft–you’ll just drop your items and return to the starting point–so if you’re up for a fight, head out into the night. You might want to store most of your belongings in a crate for safe keeping first.
現在,夜晚應該降臨了,在外冒險表示會遇到一些令人討厭的生物,像是蜘蛛、骷髏人與令人畏懼的苦力怕。 在創世神中死亡並沒有嚴重的懲罰,你只會掉落你身上的道具並回到初始點,所以當你打定要待到晚上並戰鬥時,你最好先把你大部分的東西放到安全的地方去。
8.    Contemplate the Ramifications of Deforestation, Resource Harvesting, Violence and Animal Slaughter to Further Humanity’s Own Survival

9.    Go Forth and Explore
冒險! 向前衝
There’s lots more to do in the world of Minecraft. You can venture underground for precious minerals, build a gate to The Nether or complete the game’s achievements in pursuit of the ending. You can seek out deserts and oceans, or explore the seas. With enough resources, you can build castles, cities or monuments. Once you’re comfortable, don’t be afraid to visit some multiplayer servers to see what other people are working on. Consult the Minecraft Wiki when in doubt, and let your imagination wander. There’s no real winning or losing in Minecraft, but you’ll know you’re doing it right when hours have passed by without you realizing it.
在創世神中有很多事情可以做,你可以在地下冒險尋找珍稀的礦物,建造一個地獄之門,或者藉由追求終界完成遊戲的成就,你可以探索沙漠與海洋、往海上冒險,若擁有足夠的資源,你也可以建造城堡、城市或者山脈。 一旦你得心應手,別害怕參與多人遊戲伺服器,去看看其他玩家在做些什麼,若有不懂的,隨時可以查詢創世神WIKI,讓你的想像力奔走,在創世神中沒有所謂的輸或贏,但當你無意識的花了數小時在上面時,你就會懂得!

