2013年6月3日 星期一

新聞翻譯 - TIME - Surviving Minecraft: 9 Easy Steps to Get Started

Surviving Minecraft: 9 Easy Steps to Get Started

Click here to read editor-at-large Harry McCracken’s full magazine story on The Mystery of Minecraft — including an in-depth trip to the developer’s headquarters in Sweden — available exclusively for TIME subscribers.
點擊閱讀退休資深編輯Harry McCracken的創世神之謎裡的完整報導,包括到製作團隊的瑞典總部的深度旅遊哦,TIME subscribers開放中。
Much of Minecraft‘s fun comes from exploring, building and discovering things on your own. It’s like a set of LEGOs, except Minecraft only provides the most rudimentary guidelines.
To help out with your first day in Minecraft’s pixelated wilderness, here are some steps to follow. You should be able to get all the essentials done before the sun goes down and the monsters come out.
為了幫助你渡過在創世神這點陣化荒野的第一天,這裡有些小步驟可參考。 在夜晚來臨、怪物現身時,妳要將所有必要步驟完成。
Of course, you don’t have to follow these instructions right away. Spend some time running around, figuring out the controls and dying a few times.
When you’re ready to get serious about crafting and building, here some guidelines to consider:

1.    Chop Up Some Wood, Kill Some Animals

Wood is the ingredient from which everything else in Minecraft stems. You can use it to build tools, doors, ladders and the all-important crafting bench, which lets you build even more elaborate things. It never hurts to have too much, so find at least a few trees and chop ‘em down with your bare hands.
While you’re scavenging, keep an eye out for pigs, chickens and cows. When you kill them, there’s a chance they’ll drop some delicious meat, which you can use to heal yourself and stay nourished. You can also pick up apples from fallen trees.
2.    Establish a Base of Operations

Don’t venture too far. Find a place near your starting point where you can build some shelter. Ideally, you’ll be near a stone wall, around which you can build a little mud hut to keep yourself safe from monsters. (Don’t worry about enemies just yet.)
別跑的太遠! 在出生點附近找個能建造起避難所的地方,理想狀況下,你會在一個有石牆的地方,能夠讓你建造一個小土屋保護你遠離怪物們。(先別急著擔心敵人!)
3.    Craft a Bench, a Box and Some Tools
Break down your wood into wooden planks through the inventory menu (press “E” if playing the PC version). Use those planks to make a crafting table and a storage chest, and place them at your base. Finally, turn some of your planks into wooden sticks, and build yourself a few wooden swords and pickaxes. (You can also build hoesshovels and axes, but these aren’t essential for basic mining)
在道具欄裡將木頭作成木板(如果是PC版本請按E),用木板作成合成台與儲存箱,並放置在基地裡。 最後,將一些木板作成木棒,並做成幾把木劍和木鶴嘴鋤。(你也可以製造木鏟與木斧,但這對挖礦來說不是必要品。)
4.    Explore Some More, Find Cobblestone and Coal

Another essential ingredient in Minecraft is stone, which can be broken down into cobblestone. Look for smooth, grey blocks along walls, and break them down with your pickaxe. Dig deep enough, and you may also find black-specked stone containing coal. Combine the coal with a stick to create torches that can be attached to walls.
5. Close Off Your Shelter
Return to your base, and build yourself a rudimentary hut. The best way is to dig some dirt from the ground, then re-position it in walls and a ceiling around your crafting bench. If you have torches, stick one or two on the wall to light the room. Leave a small (1×2) opening in the shelter, and craft yourself a door out of wood planks for safe and easy access.
6.    Build a Furnace, Grill Some Meat

Back at your base, use some stone to build a furnace. If you gathered any meat, you can cook it in the furnace by combining the raw meat with coal, and waiting for it to heat up. Cooked meat heals you more, and in the case of chicken, eliminates the risk of food poisoning.
7.    Meet the Mob
By now, night should be falling. Venturing outside means confronting nasty creatures, including spiders, skeletons and the dreaded Creepers. There’s no serious penalty for dying in Minecraft–you’ll just drop your items and return to the starting point–so if you’re up for a fight, head out into the night. You might want to store most of your belongings in a crate for safe keeping first.
現在,夜晚應該降臨了,在外冒險表示會遇到一些令人討厭的生物,像是蜘蛛、骷髏人與令人畏懼的苦力怕。 在創世神中死亡並沒有嚴重的懲罰,你只會掉落你身上的道具並回到初始點,所以當你打定要待到晚上並戰鬥時,你最好先把你大部分的東西放到安全的地方去。
8.    Contemplate the Ramifications of Deforestation, Resource Harvesting, Violence and Animal Slaughter to Further Humanity’s Own Survival

9.    Go Forth and Explore
冒險! 向前衝
There’s lots more to do in the world of Minecraft. You can venture underground for precious minerals, build a gate to The Nether or complete the game’s achievements in pursuit of the ending. You can seek out deserts and oceans, or explore the seas. With enough resources, you can build castles, cities or monuments. Once you’re comfortable, don’t be afraid to visit some multiplayer servers to see what other people are working on. Consult the Minecraft Wiki when in doubt, and let your imagination wander. There’s no real winning or losing in Minecraft, but you’ll know you’re doing it right when hours have passed by without you realizing it.
在創世神中有很多事情可以做,你可以在地下冒險尋找珍稀的礦物,建造一個地獄之門,或者藉由追求終界完成遊戲的成就,你可以探索沙漠與海洋、往海上冒險,若擁有足夠的資源,你也可以建造城堡、城市或者山脈。 一旦你得心應手,別害怕參與多人遊戲伺服器,去看看其他玩家在做些什麼,若有不懂的,隨時可以查詢創世神WIKI,讓你的想像力奔走,在創世神中沒有所謂的輸或贏,但當你無意識的花了數小時在上面時,你就會懂得!

新聞翻譯 - TIME - The Importance of Pork in China

The Importance of Pork in China

Chinese government statistics are a black box, but one economic indicator you can always count on to reflect reality is demand for pork.Pork is so ubiquitous in the Middle Kingdom that the word for it is the same as meat. And as the Chinese have gotten richer, they’ve eaten a lot more of it – as exemplified by this week’s $7 billion offer from China’s largest meat processor, Shuanghui International, to acquire Smithfield Foods, the world’s largest pork producer. The Chinese middle class is predicted to triple in size to 630 million people by 2022, according to a new study released by the China United States Exchange Foundation, and this new aspirational class wants meat, cars, better housing, more elaborate white goods – in short, all the things that the Western middle class wants.
中國政府的人口統計是個黑盒子,但豬肉需求是能反映現實且值得信賴的經濟指標。 豬肉在中國普便到所謂的肉字指的就是豬肉,隨著中國越來越富裕,他們越吃越多,一個例子便是這禮拜中國最大肉類製造商 雙匯國際花七十億併購了Smithfield Foods,全球最大的豬肉商。 根據海峽交流基金會公佈新研究指出,中國中產階級預計將在2022年翻三倍到達六億三千萬人, 而這股成長中的人潮想要肉、車、更好的房子、更多精緻的家電,簡單的說,那些西方中產階級想要的東西。
This presents some incredibly opportunities for direct investment into the U.S., as cash-rich Chinese firms look to ramp up acquisitions of Western companies. At less than $2 billion a year, direct investment from China to the U.S. is miniscule relative to the sizes of either economy. Part of that is due to the fact that a number of recent Chinese acquisitions of U.S. firms have been blocked due to national security or anti-trust concerns.
While it’s hard to argue that bacon is a strategic asset, the Smithfield’s deal will certainly be put through the regulatory paces. Yet as Joe Nocera and I discussed on this week’s episode of WNYC’s Money Talking, it might also present an opportunity for the U.S. to force the Chinese to open up their own markets, in which state-owned firms have been playing a bigger role in recent years, and also to do their part to protect the intellectual property of American firms via a more robust legal system. These issues and many other economic challenges will surely be on table when President Obama and Chinese premier Xi Jinping meet next week in Los Angeles.

很難去爭論說培根到底是不是戰略性資產,不論如何,Smithfield併購案當然會經過監控的階段,Joe Nocera和我在這禮拜的WNYC’s Money Talking討論到,這也意味著一個美國逼迫中國打開其市場的機會,一個近年來國有企業佔據大多舞台的市場,也要透過更健壯的合法系統保護我們美國公司的人力資源。 這些議題與其他經濟挑戰將會在下禮拜美國總統歐巴馬與中國總書記習近平在洛杉磯會面時被搬上檯面。

2013年6月2日 星期日

新聞翻譯 - TIME - The ‘World’s Longest Labor Strike’ Ends in a Whimper

The ‘World’s Longest Labor Strike’ Ends in a Whimper

On Fathers Day 2003, all of the 130 workers at the Congress Hotel in Chicago walked out on the job, protesting management’s decision to cut wages and bring in minimum-wage, subcontracted workers.


Ten years later, the union — United Here’s Local 1 — is giving up its fight, and not because management gave in to any of the union’s demands. It simply decided that the fight had gone on long enough, and that its resources and attention would be better spent elsewhere. “The decision to end the Congress strike was a hard one, but it is the right time for the Union and the strikers to move on,” said Local 1 President Henry Tamarin. “The boycott has effectively dramatically reduced the hotel’s business. The hotel treats their workers and customers equally poor and the community knows it. There is no more to do there.”

十年後,工會放棄了,不是因為管理層給予了工會的要求,而是因為實在鬥爭的太久了,資源與關注若放在其他地方會更有用。 「結束國會抗議是個困難的決定,但是時候工會與抗議者向前看了。」,本地一號總裁Henry Tamarin說:「聯合抵制已經有效且戲劇化地削弱了飯店的營運。」 飯店對待員工跟客人一樣差,而社會已經知道了,已經沒有什麼我們能做的了。

Of course, the point of a strike isn’t just to hurt the employer’s business, it’s to improve pay and working conditions for employees. And after a staggeringly long strike, which United Here claims is the “worlds longest,” they came up empty handed. The significance of this particular loss for labor is probably not all that great in the grand scheme of things. These are just 130 workers, and sometimes management will resist demands even if strikers are able to hurt business significantly.

當然了,抗議的目的並不是為了傷害雇主的企業,而是為了增進薪水與工作條件,經過了這工會聲稱是他們徒手興起,世上最長的抗議後,其工人損失的意涵在這宏偉計畫中恐怕不是好事。 他們只是130個工人,而且有些時候就算罷工能夠對企業造成值得注目的傷害,管理層還是會拒絕其要求。

But the United Here’s loss in this battle is symbolic of more than just one unsuccessful strike. During the 2008 primary, when organized labor split its support between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, United Here was the first union to back Obama. As a Senator in 2007, Obama even picketed with Strike First outside the Congress Hotel, in solidarity with striking workers. And when President Obama was first elected in 2008, the labor movement was optimistic that it would finally have the support it needed in Washington to reverse decades of decline in the power of private sector unions. According to Randy Shaw, an attorney and labor activist, President Obama’s background as a community organizer and large Democratic majorities in Congress made the labor movement giddy that things would finally begin to reverse course.

但工會在這場鬥爭中的損失,更是其他更多失敗抗議的象徵。 在2008年選舉,當工人組織分成兩邊各支持Hilary Clinton與 Barack Obama,工會是第一個支持Obama的;當2007年,Obama還是參議員時,他甚至護衛了在國會酒店外的抗議人潮,與抗議勞工團結一致,而當Obama總統第一次於2008年參選時,勞工方是樂觀的,因為終於在華盛頓有了需要的力量去逆轉私營部門工會力量的衰弱。 根據勞工活動家同時也是律師的Randy Shaw所言,總統Obama身為社群組織者和國會多數民主黨,讓勞工運動對事情會展開逆轉感到頭暈。

But that optimism turned out to be unfounded. The signature piece of legislation, the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, that Democrats pushed in one form or another from 2006 through 2010 would have required businesses to recognize a union immediately once 50% or more workers had signed a card saying they supported it. (Under current law, businesses often have many months to mount an anti-unionization campaign after a majority of workers have declared they want a union, and before a secret ballot of workers has the final say.) The bill would also have established a binding arbitration process for unions and businesses that can’t agree on a contract, and it would have increased penalties for businesses that violate labor law.

那樂觀最後證明是毫無根據的,民主黨從2006年到2010年再數個改革中所提出”雇員自由選擇法案”,將要求企業一旦超過50%的勞工在卡上簽名表明支持時,必須馬上承認一個工會。(現在的法律,在多數員工宣稱他們想要一個工會或員工的不記名投票做出抉擇前。,企業常常有許多個月可以進行反工會活動,) 該法案也對不同意合約的工會與企業創建了具約束力的仲裁程序,且會增加違反勞工法的企業懲處。

But fierce Republican opposition and the twin priorities of passing stimulus and healthcare legislation sank the reform effort before it could get off the ground. “I don’t think the movement anticipated how difficult it would be to pass labor law reform,” Shaw says. “There was a general overconfidence, and there was never a move to get something passed short of the ideal, so in the end, nothing got passed.”

但共和黨激烈反對且健保法規將會在起步時擊沉改革的付出。 「我不認為運動會預期到通過勞工法改革會有多困難」她說。 太多大眾自信可以,且從來沒有任何動作讓它更加完善,所以,到最後沒有什麼可以通過。

Following the election of Scott Brown in 2010, the Democrats lost their supermajority in the Senate, and their ability to pass much of anything at all — let alone anything as despised by Republicans as labor law reform. And unions have been public enemy number one for many on the right in recent years. Political figures like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker have made major strides in curbing the power of public unions, and Republicans in Washington have done their best to hobble the National Labor Relations Board — which has been without five confirmed members since 2003.

來看Scott Brown於2010的競選,民主黨失去了在參議院的絕對多數權、簡直能通過大部份法案的權力、更不用說像被共和黨鄙視的勞工法改革,而工會更是近年來右派的頭號公敵。 像威斯康辛州長Scott Walker的政治人物在遏止工會力量上可說有重大進展,共和黨也在華盛頓盡全力拖延從2003年就缺少五位確定成員的國家勞工關係委員會。

All of this activity leaves the labor movement, and those pushing for the rights of workers and the poor, at a crossroads. In an effort to raise the living standards of the poor and middle class, the left has used both indirect government support (through laws that allow and even encourage unionization) and direct government support (through programs like Social Security and welfare). And for most of the 20th century, this two-pronged approach worked fairly well. Despite all the changes that occured in the U.S. economy, the share of company profits that go to workers (versus owners) remained steady at roughly 66%. But for the past decade, the ownership class has been taking more and more of the pie. This dynamic shows itself in stagnant wage growth, a problem that has been plaguing America since the 1980s.

全部的動作讓勞工活動與那些爭取勞工與窮人權力的人處於一個十字路口,左派為了提高窮人與中產階級的生活水準,他們使用了間接政府支持(藉由法律與提倡工會化)與直接政府支持(藉由社會福利保障),而在20世紀,這雙管齊下的方法出奇的好,雖然在美國經濟上發生了一些改變,但大約66%的公司獲利到員工身上。 但過去十年裡,有產階級不斷鯨吞獲利,這浮動數據本身表現了薪水成長的停滯,一個從1980年代便不斷困擾美國的問題。

Ironically, it may very well be the relative strength of today’s welfare programs that is undermining the urgency of a strong labor movement. The labor movement’s greatest successes have often come during very dire economic times. The height of the movement’s power was during the Great Depression, when it’s estimated that more than 25% of the labor force was out of work and, unlike today, there were no programs like food stamps or temporary federal welfare and very little in the way of unemployment insurance. For workers in the early part of the 20th century, the decision was either to organize or face dire poverty.

諷刺的是,這很可能助長了破壞勞工運動急迫性的現代福利制度。 勞工運動最偉大的成功總出現在悲慘的經濟體中,勞工運動的最強力量總在大衰退時,當時估計有25%的勞工罷工,不像現代,那時沒有糧票或臨時聯邦福利,且幾乎沒有失業保險,對二十世紀早期的勞工,那是組織對抗或面對悲慘貧困的抉擇。

Today, it’s a different story. Federal and state governments spend more than $1 trillion annually on welfare programs, from the earned income tax credit to food stamps, to improve the lives of the working poor. And so while the labor movement has been very eager to support a robust welfare state, it may one of the factors that has made joining a union less appealing for much of the working class.


新聞翻譯 - A Starbucks for Pot? National Chain of Marijuana Stores in the Works

A Starbucks for Pot? National Chain of Marijuana Stores in the Works
一個大麻界星巴克? 國際大麻連鎖店正進行中

If one newly converted pot-smoking visionary has his way, the Washington-based company he created will become the Starbucks or Coca Cola of the cannabis industry. He even has plans to import marijuana from south of the border–currently illegal according to international law—and he’s apparently got the former president of Mexico on board.
        如果這位近來轉型的大麻夢想家有其能耐,那麼他創建於華盛頓的公司有可能變成菸草產業中的星巴克或可口可樂! 他甚至還計劃要從墨西哥進口有違國際法的菸草,而他顯然對前墨西哥總統有一套。
Jamen Shively is probably not the kind of person you’d picture selling pot. He used to be a manager at Microsoft, and wears a suit and tie, a short preppy haircut, and nerdy glasses. He talks like a nerd too. When asked by the Seattle Times if he was worried about the federal government cracking down on his planned retail cannabis operations, Shively quoted the famous words of Obi-Wan Kenobi in “Star Wars“: “He said ‘Darth, if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.’”
Jamen Shively可能不是你想像中販賣大麻的那種人,他曾經是微軟的經理,穿西裝打領帶,雅痞的髮型戴著宅男眼鏡,而他談吐也像個宅男。 有次西雅圖時報問他對於聯邦政府調查他意圖大麻零售的操作是否會擔心時,他引述了星際大戰中Obi-Wan Kenobi所說的:「Darth,如果你擊敗我,我將變成你無法想像般的強大」。
Nonetheless, Shively says that cannabis is in his blood. He claims that his great grandfather, a government official in the Phillipines in the late 1890s when it was a Spanish colony, was the world’s largest grower of hemp at the time. Shively’s planned chain of retail marijuana stores is named after this great cannabis cultivator: Diego Pellicer (pronounced “Payee-Sayr”).
Shively說大麻早已流入他血液之中,他說他的曾祖父在1890年的菲律賓擔任政府官員,當時仍是西班牙的殖民地,是全世界最大的煙草種植者。Shively計畫中的煙草零售鏈便是以偉大的煙草栽種者 Diego Pellicer命名。(發音為Payee-Sayr)

At a press conference in Seattle on Thursday, Shively announced plans for Diego Pellicer to become the first national retail brand focused on selling medical-use and adult-use (recreational) cannabis alike. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a unique moment in history,” Shively said. “The Berlin Wall of the prohibition cannabis is weak, and it is crumbling as we speak.”
一場位於西雅圖,禮拜二召開的記者會中,Shively宣佈Diego Pellicer將成為第一家醫療與成人使用相關的跨國大麻零售品牌。 「各位先生與小姐,這是一個在歷史上獨一無二的時刻」Shively 說道:「有如柏林之牆般大麻禁令已十分脆弱,我們說話的同時,它更在崩壞中。」
Despite the fact that “the silence from our nation’s capital has been deafening,” and tons of uncertainties concerning the legality of his planned operations, Shively said that the acquisition of several professional cannabis dispensaries are in the works for Diego Pellicer, and that soon it will be a well-known retail brand along the West Coast.
儘管國家首都的沉默早已震耳欲聾,且還有許多關於他計畫中的操作的合法不確定性,但Shively說數家權威診療所的大麻來源已與Diego Pellicer接洽,很快的,Diego Pellicerr將在西岸成為具有盛名的零售品牌。
The biggest controversy is that there are also international plans for the brand. Mexico’s former President Vicente Fox appeared next to Shively on Thursday, explaining that because the black market for drugs has caused violence and crime throughout Latin America, he was in favor of strictly regulated legal marijuana in the U.S.
最大的爭議在於該品牌有跨國計畫,墨西哥前總統Vicente Fox也在Shively之後於星期二露面,說明由於毒品黑市在拉丁美洲造成了暴力與犯罪,他贊同美國嚴格限制大麻合法性。
“In Mexico, we welcome this initiative, because the cost of the war [on drugs] is becoming unbearable,” Fox said. He noted how the illegal drug market has hurt tourism and other Mexican businesses, and caused the deaths of thousands of people. “All this because our neighbor to the north represents such a gigantic consumer market” for marijuana. While he voiced many concerns about how marijuana laws and regulations would be enforced, and he stressed that all sorts of details would have to be negotiated to ensure safety and compliance, Fox’s appearance alone at the press conference was basically an endorsement of some kind of marijuana trade agreement between Mexico and the U.S.
「在墨西哥,我們很歡迎這主動的法案,因為毒品戰爭的花費已無法支撐」FOX說道,他提到毒品市場如何傷害到觀光與其他企業,並造成上千人的死亡。 這些都是因為我們在北方的鄰居代表一個巨大的大麻市場,他也提到許多關於大麻法與限制如何被強制執行的擔憂,他也強調全部的細節將需要再協商以保證其安全與承諾,Fox在記者會上的出現,基本上是某種美國與墨西哥大麻交易條約的背書。
Critics point out that Shively’s bold vision has an extremely long way to go before he’s able to create a viable business, let alone until his stores start producing millions in theoretical profits. “He needs to attract backers, to intimidate competitors, and to accustom people to the idea of mass marketing in the marijuana industry,” one member of the Seattle Times editorial board pointed out. “National branded marijuana has to go from being a farfetched idea to an ordinary idea, which means people have to think about it for a while.” The international trade aspect only makes Shively’s plans more complicated.
有人批評說Shively大膽的設想在他能夠創造可行的企業、並開始產出百萬元理論上的利潤前,都是空談。 「它需要吸引支持者去恫赫競爭者,並讓人們習慣大麻的大眾行銷」,一位西雅圖時報的編輯指出。 國際大麻品必須從一個牽強的想法變成一個正常的點子,也就是說人們要多思考一下,國際交易方面只會讓Shively的計畫變的更複雜,
If his dream does become reality, though, Shively will have created something along the lines of a Starbucks for weed. The company prefers another parallel: “We will offer a premium-quality, hand-crafted product,” the Diego Pellicer website states. “Think of us as the ‘Davidoff of marijuana,’ with great attention given from genetics to the finished product.” (For those, like me, who’d never heard of Davidoff, it’s a brand of high-end tobacco products.) Taiwan-based Next Media Animation referred to Shively himself as the “Bill Gates of bud” in a goofy “news” video.
如果他的夢想成真,Shively 將會創造類似大麻星巴克的東西,但公司更喜歡另一種-「我們提供優良、手工產品」,Diego Pellicer網站中說道;「想想我們是大麻裡的大衛杜夫(菸草中的高級品牌),拿著著從基因裡就引人注目的產品」。 台灣壹傳媒在冷笑話新聞中將Shively本身歸類於發芽比爾蓋茲。
Shively sees Diego Pellicer’s core customers not as young pot smokers, but as older, wealthier enthusiasts who’ll pay top dollar for a premium product. “We’re focused on Baby Boomers — basically wealthy Baby Boomers,” Shively told a Seattle TV station. “It’s a $100 billion industry in search of a brand. Never in the history of capitalism — forget America, in the world — has such a giant vacuum existed.”
ShivelyDiego Pellicer核心市場設定於有年紀且富裕、願意為了高品質花大錢的熱愛者,而非年輕菸客。 「我們著重在嬰兒潮出生且富裕的人」,Shively告訴西雅圖電視台:「在品牌研究中,這可是個千億的產業,在資本主義歷史上從未出現過的。 忘了美國吧,在其他地方可是有巨大的空白市場存在呢。」
Despite Shively’s supposed longstanding family ties to marijuana, smoking pot is fairly new to the budding entrepreneur. He explained to the Puget Sound Business Journal that, coming of age in the 1980s of “Just say no,” and “This is your brain on drugs,” he steered clear of the drug. About a year and a half ago, however, a colleague at Microsoft (and frequent pot smoker) convinced Shively to give it a try. Here’s how Shively described the experience:
儘管Shively假設大戶人家對大麻、菸草的關聯,對這新進企業來說還相當的新,他對Puget Sound Business Journal解釋:「對於1980年代的說不這就是吸毒的影響,他遵循得是藥物的正面」。大約是一年半前,一個在微軟的同事說服Shively試試看,而這就是Shively如何形容他的體驗。
“I tried it and I absolutely loved it. It’s like I was having the most amazing creative brainstorms. And (I was) seeing life and situations and possibilities in just a whole new light. It was like living in a whole new dimension. So I started consuming it about once a month, and I started sharing with people the experiences I was having, so I sort of became an amateur evangelist of cannabis.”
我試用了它而且我確實愛上它,好像我在進行有史以來最棒的腦力激盪。 僅在一道光中看了人生、狀況、各種可能性,就好像活在另一個全新的次元中。 所以我大約每個月用上一次,並且開始與人分享我的體驗,我成了一種業餘的大麻福音傳播者。
Shively’s enthusiasm for marijuana didn’t stop there. As more states passed laws approving the use of medicinal cannabis, and as Washington and Colorado voters gave the OK to legislation for recreational marijuana, Shiveley saw tremendous business opportunities. He’s regularly quoted saying that his retail pot operation will “mint more millions than Microsoft.”
Shively對大麻的熱忱並未停住,隨著更多州允許使用藥用大麻,且華盛頓與科羅拉多選民同意娛樂大麻的立法,Shiveley 看到了巨大的商機,他常常說他得大麻零售將會比微軟印更多錢。
What’s more, Shiveley isn’t satisfied simply with the idea that cannabis should be legal because it’s harmless. He believes pot is genuinely good for you: “I’m convinced that within five years, marijuana will come to be regarded as a health food,” he said.
並且,Shiveley並不對大麻因無害合法而輕易滿足,他相信大麻對人們有真誠的好處。 「我將在五年內說服大家,並讓大麻被認為是健康的食物。」Shiveley說。
In which case, Shiveley is hoping to run the world’s biggest chain of an all-new breed of very special health food stores.
